RhinoChem 2170 Solutions by Rhino Linings
RhinoChem 2170
RhinoChem 2170 is a two-component, 100% solids, rapid curing elastomeric lining displaying excellent chemical and immersion characteristics.
RhinoChem 2710 is highly cross linked, which results in a membrane liner that is extremely dense. It provides superior protection against corrosion and excellent resistance against chemical attack from a variety of commercial and industrial chemicals including: Acetic Acid to 10%, Ammonia to 5%, Hydrochloric Acid to 15%, Hydrogen Peroxide to 10%, Sodium Hydroxide to 50%, Sulphuric Acid to 50%, Salts, Bleach and more.
For further information on RhinoChem 2170’s chemical resistant capabilities, please speak with the Rhino Linings Technical Department.
RhinoChem 2170 can be spray applied to metal, wood, concrete, brick, fibreglass or geotextiles, creating a monolithic, seamless lining conforming to any shape or size, and is especially suitable for applications that require a fast turnaround and an extended life cycle.
RhinoChem 2170 is the premium chemical resistant polyurethane in the Rhino Linings Polyurethane range.
RhinoChem 2170 Properties:
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- Excellent water and chemical resistance
- Excellent flexibility for impact and abrasion resistance
- Complies with NSF/ANSI 50 Pool and Spa Standard
- 100% solids with no VOCs or solvents
- Stable from 40 degrees to 100 degrees C
RhinoChem 2170 Typical Uses
Primary and Secondary Containment, Chemical processing equipment, Tank Linings, Wet Wells, Water and Wastewater Applications, Immersion Applications in ambient and elevated temperatures.
RhinoChem 2170 Industry Applications
Technical Data Sheet RhinoChem 2170